Function MID
This tutorial covers 3 examples on how you can use the function MID to dynamically extract several parts of text strings in your Excel files. Continue Reading
Function LARGE
In this tutorial you will learn how to use a nested function LARGE, linked to a dynamic array, to extract multiple top values of a dataset. Continue Reading
Function LEN – Practical Examples
Here you will learn the basics of the Function LEN in Excel and also some interesting examples of this easy to use yet relevant function. Continue Reading
Functions INDEX & MATCH
This post covers basic and advanced uses of INDEX and MATCH functions such as Cross-Tabulated Report and Data extraction from multiple arrays. Continue Reading
Here you will learn all about the function SUMPRODUCT and understand three secrets of this function that many Excel users don’t know about. Continue Reading
Must Know Functions
This tutorial covers 9 must know functions: SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, and their respective adapted functions SUMIF(S), AVERAGEIF(S), COUNTIF(S). Continue Reading
Combining Text & Values
This tutorial shows you how to combine text and values in Excel through the functions CONCATENATE, CONCAT and the useful Ampersand technique. Continue Reading
Function TEXT
This tutorial covers the Excel function TEXT, focusing in the argument “Format Text” which relies on standard and customized "format codes". Continue Reading
This tutorial explains how to use the function TEXTJOIN which will help you to combine different strings available in your Excel spreadsheet. Continue Reading
Date Functions (Part I)
This tutorial covers the functions TODAY, NOW, DATE, EDATE, YEAR, MONTH and DAY. You will also learn how to calculate past and future dates. Continue Reading